Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

YouSayToo affiliate Program

nah ini dia nih program favorit gw.. di situs ini di event kemarin .. gw hampir dapet 1000 dollar us .. tapi ga jadi .. hhe...gw kalah... jadi yousaytoo itu adalah program yang bisa dibilang social networking gitu deeeeeeh... ngerti tak apa yang dimaksud dengan social networking ?? klo kurang ngerti.. oke disini gw bakal jelasin ke lo .. tao fs ? fb ? myspace ? .. nah yousaytoo itu ga beda jauh ma situs kayak friendster...
secara harifahnya .. loh ko harifah ? harfiah gitu.. YouSayToo is an ad revenue sharing community that allows you to add your blogs and make extra revenues from Amazon and Google adsense ads.

Yousaytoo splits the Google Adsense revenue with its users 50/50

You can blog, upload pictures and free flash games, microblog, and participate in regular competitions.

The unique feature of our site allows you to gather all your blogs at YouSayToo and benefit from additional traffic, followers and revenues. Adding a blog to YouSayToo is easy and only takes a minute.

You can also add your blogs from social networks like LiveJournal and FaceBook - as well as others that provide RSS feeds and blogs.

The best part about YouSayToo is that you can also make a difference. Instead of inputting your AdSense ID and Amazon ID within the site for getting additional revenues, you can choose to donate those revenues to charities.

Go ahead and explore other unique features YouSayToo offers! ...

jadi klo punya google adsense .. lo dapet komisi deh dari yousaytoo ini dari keuntungan iklan yang ada di blog lo... komisinya 50/50... ok deh.. gabung ya !!! klik disini

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